Thursday, May 2, 2013

March of Dimes week

This has been a very busy week for us. Wednesday morning Kailyn, my sister Brittany, and I went to Forever Broadcasting and did a radio circuit for the March for Babies walk. It was fun talking to the different DJs and having people say that they've heard me on the radio. After the radio station, we went to my old high school (Central HS in Martinsburg, PA) to try to get the students interested in coming to the walk on Sunday. The school had just started raising money a couple of weeks ago and wanted to meet us. And of course after leaving school we had to go to Ritchey's Ice Cream and  Kailyn stole my White House Cherry :( She usually gets a strawberry cone but wanted my cherries.

Today Kailyn and I took my nephew Noah to the bus stop then got breakfast. We went shopping for a new super cute outfit for K for her TV interview (aka mom talks and k just sits there). We had to stop and get the Altoona Mirror (local paper) because Kailyn was in the Life section for the March of Dimes. This afternoon we had our TV interview on Central PA Live. It was fun!! I had never been on TV like that before. Kailyn was pretty good for an almost 3 year old with no nap. She woke up around 6:45am and just crashed about 10:30pm. I almost had her asleep 5 times today but she just wasn't having it.

Tomorrow we are going to Kmart to try help the employees get that last push for donations from customers. Kmart has been a National Sponsor forever. Then our walk is on Sunday. I have to get up in front of 300+ people and give a speech about our story and how the March of Dimes has helped us. I guess I better get off her and start writing! Below is a link to our TV interview. I thought that we did pretty good!

Three of our Kruisers (Sarah, Lauren, and my sister Heather) sporting their shirts at Kidspeace in Duncansville.

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